Eating too much Vitamin C won’t boost immunity? 5 Tips to grab natural vitamin C!
Recently, many people are panicking about buying vitamin C supplements, which is believed to be efficient in protecting them against the infection of coronavirus. However, is it really having more always better?

How much vitamin C human needs? 


Vitamin C keeps our immunity strong and is touted as a natural cold remedy. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is advised to take 90mg/day for adults and children aged 4 years old or above. Here are the recommended portions of foods to help obtain enough Vitamin C:



Excessive Vitamin C would not be store


For vitamin C supplements devotees, you should stay aware of the higher dose of vitamin C in each tablet as it may exceed your needs. Commercial vitamin C tablets usually contain 200mg- 1000 mg of vitamin C which is about 2 to 10 times the recommended intake. Higher intake doesn’t equal better results. Vitamin C is soluble in water and the excess from diet will be excreted through urine. It would not be stored in your body and in other words, they will be wasted.


Too much vitamin C may cause side effects?


Although excessive vitamin C intake would be excreted in urine, side effects may occur in small population. If you ingest more than 2000mg per day, few of you may experience nausea and diarrhea. Vitamin C overdose has the potential to increase urinary oxalate levels and risk of kidney stone formation in the long term. Don’t worry now because it’s hard to consume such megadose through a normal diet.


5 Tips to grab natural vitamin C


Indeed, we can readily absorb adequate vitamin C from diet and the best sources are fruits and vegetables. Check out these simple tips and get nutrients your body needs from natural foods.


1. Avoid chopping prior storage

  • Chopping will increase the contact between vitamin C in the food and the oxygen in air ,which will cause the oxidation and reduce the effectiveness of vitamin C

2. Avoid boiling of vegetables and reduce the cooking time

  • Vitamin C can dissolve in water and lose rapidly during boiling. It may also be damaged by exposing to high heat and prolonged cooking time
  • Use stir-frying or baking instead of boiling to preserve more nutrients
  • It is also advised to order stir-fried dishes when eating out
  • Here are some recommendation dishes consist of vegetables with high vitamin C:


3. Initially frying with little amount of oil

  • Oil on the surface of the vegetable can reduce the contact of vitamin C in food with water and reduce the leaching of vitamin C from food

4. Add 2-3 slices of lemon into your water bottle

  • Easiest way to consume Vitamin C. Vitamin C dissolves in water. Water at room temperature extracts most vitamin C from lemon. Avoid using boiling water as it may destroy the vitamin C structure


5. Consume high vitamin C fruits instead of unhealthy snacks

  • Fresh fruits help provide natural vitamin C and reduce the calories intake from ordinary snacks
  • Freeze-dried fruits/ veggies to maximize nutrient intake
    • Freeze dried fruit preserved most of the nutrients and freshness. Less moisture also reduce satiety.
    • Convenient alternative of fresh fruits  while on the go
    • Warm reminder: You may need to stay aware of the amount of sugar and calories consumption in freeze dried food




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