Okinawa Stir-fried Bitter Melon and OmniPork Luncheon

⏱ Cooking Time:15 mins

Ingredients (1-2 Servings)
  • OmniPork Luncheon
3 pcs (120g)
  • Okinawa Bitter Melon / Organic Bitter Melon
1 pc (118g)
  • Abura-age Fried Tofu
2 pcs (45g)
  • Vegetarian Oyster Sauce
2 tsps (10g)
  • Water
1 tbsp (15ml)
  • Salt
  • Sugar
1 tsp (5g)
  • Oil
4 tsps (20ml)


1. Wash and deseed bitter melon, then slice it into 2-3mm thick, set aside.


2. Drain and wash abura-age fried tofu, then cut into 1.5cm thick pieces, set aside.


3. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a pan, pan-fry OmniPork Luncheon over medium heat on each side for 1 minute and 30 seconds, cool down and cut into half.


4. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a pan, stir-fry bitter melon over medium heat until softened, then stir in sugar. Pour in a little water to soften bitter melon easily.


5. Stir in abura-age fried tofu, then stir-fry with vegetarian oyster sauce, water and salt for 1 minute.


6. Add OmniPork Luncheon, turn off heat and mix well. Enjoy!