Stay Cozy with 10 Warming Vegan Recipes

Due to the latest no-dine in restrictions, most of us are cooking at home for family gatherings. Here are 10 nourishing vegan recipes for your winter family meal. Stay warm at home with these heartwarming dishes! 



Yuzu Sesame Marinade OmniPork Strip with Burdock 

柚子芝麻涼拌牛蒡新肉絲  Yuzu Sesame Marinade OmniPork Strip with Burdock


Crispy Bean Curd Roll with OmniPork 

韓式紫菜素肉卷 Crispy Bean Curd Roll with OmniPork



Mushroom Soup with Tofu and OmniPork 

鮮菌豆腐素肉羹 Mushroom Soup with Tofu and OmniPork


Pumpkin Quinoa Soup with OmniPork Strip 

新肉絲南瓜藜麥湯 Pumpkin Quinoa Soup with OmniPork Strip



Sweet and Sour OmniPork Ribs 

新豬肉糖醋排骨 Sweet and Sour OmniPork Ribs


Alpha Nugget with Five Shredded Ingredients 

五柳甜酸植物雞塊 Alpha Nugget with Five Shredded Ingredients


OmniPork Strip with Black Bean Garlic Clay Pot Rice

蒜豉新肉絲煲仔飯 OmniPork Strip with Black Bean Garlic Clay Pot Rice



Spicy Tomato Soup OmniPork Dumplings 

麻辣蕃茄湯新豬肉水餃 Spicy Tomato Soup OmniPork Dumplings



Tapioca Pearls With Fermented Black Glutinous Rice

紫米酒釀水晶圓 Tapioca Pearls With Fermented Black Glutinous Rice


Sweet Potato Soup with Ginger Brown Sugar

冬至食譜_黑糖薑母蕃薯糖水 Sweet Potato Soup with Ginger Brown Sugar



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